Monday, January 21, 2013

Long Time.. No "Speak"!

You know when your life goes so many different directions that you started a project and you completely forget about it. That's me and my blog. I started it with good intentions and then I completely forgot about it. Now I am back.. and hopefully can remember to update it more often.

Our trip to Disneyland. Will blog about this adventure next time!

So much has happened since summer. I am currently in my second semester of Senior year now. So close to being done, it's hard to believe how fast high school goes by. Speaking of fast.. my "baby" turns-in MAY! Where did the time go? She enters Big Dog class next month. Pretty soon Halo won't be the baby in the family because February 5th.. I pick up my newest addition to the family.. Spunky. Spunky is a full golden retriever puppy. I've been preparing myself for this new adventure I have taken on. Overlapping by three months is a lot, but I know I can do it! I have been fortunate enough to be able to visit my new puppy before I even pick her up because the breeder/caretakers are so close.


My newest baby and me :)

I am also very excited for my next puppy because her sister "Sheriff" will be co- raised by our local contract trainer, Carly and another awesome puppy raiser Stephanie. I can't wait to watch the two grow up together.

Left: Spunky Right: Sheriff

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